Screen Printing

Screen printing at first to me sounded like printing with the just the word screen in front, until I got shown examples of other students work. And it looked so professional but rough at the same time. I mean in terms of how most designs look so computerised and too clean cut, however with screen printing it gives it a more authentic and hand crafted edge.

Your given a woven board like this and you have your printed separations that you print onto the board. Then spread evenly emulsion, looks like green slime, over the board then you leave it to dry. You then use the holes to leave the print on the board. Then the printing process begins. You get the coloured ink you want and spread it over, once forward (called a bleed), then spreading it backwards is how it prints onto the paper.

For music festival I have to create a ticket using screen printing, so here was someone's design in my group. Each group member chooses their own individual colours; mine are purple, white boxes and pink text. The last three tickets are my top favourite

Lastly what I found interesting was that the paper that I felt was the worst colour, for example the pink actually came out the best. And yeah the annoying thing was having to wash after every individual ink colour used ergghhh.


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Work Placement: 3 months