Kendrick Lamar: To pimp a butterfly

Kendrick Lamar, is all I can say. 

To Pimp A Butterfly is his latest album and for my generation he is one of the best rappers. I repeat my generation not the 90's not in comparison to Tupac, Nas, Biggie, Dre Dre and so on. 

His album left me happy and in tears; it was filled with so much emotion. Most rappers rap about drugs, girls and sex. But Kendrick is a conscious rapper like the legends above, he raps about American system not built in benefit to people of colour this can been seen in his song The Black The Berry, where he talks about the Travyon Martin case. And he said in his interview that to young people he the closet to a Reverend, because they he feels they don't believe in anything these days; which makes it easier for people to take you of track. He doesn't necessarily go to church which to be honest doesn't prove your Christian, it's more about how you treat and respect others. Anyway he wants to use his God given grift to educate his listeners, interestingly he says he targets the people in jail and college students. I feel that could because they are the people that need hope the most. Kendrick coming from Compton a dangerous city in California, which is mainly black dominated, his music speaks the violence he's seen. Also to tell people, especially black people don't use the excuse "because I'm black" I'm not going to get the job, get into college or even just be successfull because the system doesn't allow me. In most cases this is true but should that be a reason to waste your life ? away no. He to tells people in his music get up and fight against the system don't let it take you. 

And raps in a way where it's not just for black people, it could be from a single mother to someone being the first to get into college; these situations are colour blind. In a conversation with Tupac he reads out this poem, which I feel reflects what I was trying to say about how he's trying to relate to everyone.


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