New academic year

First day feels them same like when you come back to school and see all your teachers and friends again. The only difference is that you go back home don't have your parents telling you "Summer has ended so you need to stop sleeping late now"

Being in the lecture room I felt nervous because this year counts towards your grades so you can't mess it up. But I was positive in knowing that I will implement all the feedback from last year into this years projects.

Creative Pathways  

Last year this module just consisted of a blog, however this year I was really excited for it because it's was focusing on what we want to do with our futures. Helping us build that bridges for us, something I truly I am grateful for because when your young your asked "What do you want to do in the future ?" is a daunting question; even if you know the answer. I feel like the difficult thing isn't actually knowing what you want to do but actually knowing the steps to get there. This is what this module does, digging deep in what skills you have already and the ones you need to develop to get into to the industry you want. This is so we were are prepared and set once we graduate. Not be figuring this out once we have our degree.

For me I want to go into either the technology industry. Ok but I do graphic design but what has this got to do with anything. Graphic Designers in the technology industry can go into roles such as UI, UX and interaction; something I'm really interested in especially since we're doing a module it consists of creating an interactive poster. But realising that I like the skills needed as these roles consist of interactivity to which I have don't have anything present in. Not to feel like I will not get anywhere I spoke my module leader and she said that I have to fill the gaps by doing extra briefs that are related to industry and gave me a list of websites that hold competitions with past briefs. It felt overwhelming at first because I was thinking how would I be able to do both Uni work and extra briefs. I told myself it will be hard and stressful but at the end of the day stay in your comfort zone wouldn't take you anywhere.


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