UI Design

One aspect of my PDP module was to create a action plan, where I state the steps needed to get into the career I want. However before I was able to think of the steps needed, I had to research what area in Graphic Design I want to go into something I have been unconsciously avoiding.

UI Design 

Most people take the angle of looking at salaries however I decided to look at what aspect of Graphic Design I enjoy. I remember when I worked in Apple I was amazed to learn how technology and design calibrate together to improve the human experience. An app I loved was Color ID, which aids the blind by telling them the colour of an item when you place your iPhone towards it.

With this interest in the technology industry I looked at how Graphic Design can be a part of it, I came across UI Design. Even though UI Design is very specific it is a board job market, seeing as you can work as a web designer, app designer or the mobile industry. Also while conducting my research I discovered that there is a large demand for UI Designers.

Next step

I do not have any experience in this field so I am going to undertake briefs specific to UI Design so that my portfolio displays this type of work. I have also been placed in a group in which we have to create an App for the University. I am happy about this because I can add my work to my portfolio as well as gain new skills.


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Work Placement: 3 months