I like Odd

Hello, well I don't know if you are a able to read that, but it says '' Hello Everyone'' in a font called Triangulus Monogram. This font can be found on http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/monogram/mfc-triangulus-monogram/ 

So basically, I was looking for a font to write my text in, for an Engagement Ring Advert I was creating for my module. Then you know when you exit your tabs, and you find one and your thinking when did I click on this ? Yeah that's how I found this font. However I couldn't use it because it doesn't go with the concept of my advert; but I think it's a really odd font. Odd in a good way, or maybe because I like odd, but it's unusual because as you can see 2 letters are being combined to create a triangle, compared to a normal format. This is what you call originality

It looks very futuristic, something that will appeal to young people like me, the generation of today compared to the past generations. Now a days designers like to use fonts that are not traditional like Times New Roman, to target young people. You can see this specifically in t-shirt designs. 


Using fonts like Triangulus Monogram gives a more individualistic feel, something that is craved today, compared to before. Since most people want to be more of an individual, having their own style and personality. 

I think this is a very good example of thinking outside the box and creating an entirely new format to create a font. 

However where will you use this font ?


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