Fake people & true colours

Well after the first semester people's true colours started to come through. This all started in January, the fake ' I'm nice and smily' to everyone dropped, like people acting a bit anti social around you. Your friend and another girl are having issues making it awkward for all of you to be in the same room etc etc. And you know the funny thing I liked it this way, because you can see people's true colours. You know who you can trust and which people just like chatting bs. You see some people are stupid and still like to be part of the gossiping lifestyle but to me once your heading to 20 and your in Uni; I rather focus on on enjoying myself, going out and having a good time. No matter how that person looks taking time out of your day to just talk about people number 1 makes you negative, number 2 negativity attract no one and to be honest you just attract people that will eventually start talking about you.

But yeah staying in a only girls school for 7 years (I don't know why I stayed in 6th form) I've seen the good, bad and ugly trust me. I've learnt how to see the signs of people that will bring drama to your life. Before it will stress me out when I see people trying to make things difficult for no reason, but now I like it. I mean if your can't say it to me then I don't have time for you because I've been there and gone up to people that have said stuff and they end up lying. So I just let them talk now. But yeah when all this mess starts happening I'm happy because I know who really is who and you don't end up wasting your time with unnecessary people. When your at peace with yourself the business of the world doesn't bother you.


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