Less teaching more learning

In the beginning I loved my timetable even though it says I'm in till 4, you can actually leave at 12 if your tutor is done speaking to your class. Also I had 2 lectures a week and one hour each. But later on  when the coursework starts to build up, I started to hate it. This is because after January I had longer modules, so the majority of time your tutor doesn't set you anything but just to get on with your work; so we had to come in at 9:30 just to get registered. When you have gone out the day before and come back at 4am, it's not funny. Also I have to come into uni everyday, during this time I only had an 1 hour lecture on Friday. I thought why am I waking up so early to be registered then go back home to sleep. Even the people that commute from Birmingham I felt sorry for. Then again it was done so that if we don't sign the University register our tutor has proof that we're in.

But yeah weirdly enough I actually want more lectures, I want to have a reason to come into Uni, when you go out everyone is like " ahh how am I going to make this 9 am lecture " and I'm just like yeah " 9:30 register ". I just wanted to be taught more, learn new ways of applying your creativity to design. I found the lectures too vague at times, sometimes I was struggling to write notes. Then my Uncle told me that in Uni, especially in first year, what you need to do is figure out how things connect. Connect in the sense that the lecture relates to what I'm doing.  That's when it all made sense !

I may be wrong but I feel that in comparison to GCSE and A Levels your teachers tell what you need to learn, they give you so much material to make notes from and then give you mini deadlines so that they can check your on work and you don't miss your overall deadline. However in Uni your on your own. Your not really taught much but more or less given a seed on a topic to which you have to do your research and fine your own material to learn from. And to be honest I learnt more than I have ever learnt in terms of education because for instance with photoshop it was new to me. I was being told to make a poster using this software, so I had to do my research by using youtube, blogs, trial and error. Now I'm really good at photoshop because doing my own research made it stick in more. That reminds me, I remember telling myself I should to learn how to use photoshop before uni in the summer I made notes own how to do certain things, but they never stuck in because I wasn't really applying it.

So I feel Uni is more about been given the seed while you have to find the water and soil to educate your brain and creativity.


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