Planning for the future
The future does scare me at times, I mean I have the guts and courage to climb the mountain but it's whether I'll actually be given that opportunity to that. That's what worries me the opportunity. I'm trying to change because I'm the type of person that with out me knowing I hate taking small steps, I just like doing that big leap. I don't know if it's because I like sports were if your about to run a track all your concentrating on is that finishing line. However sometimes in life you have to also put your focus on taking the steps to get to the finishing line. Taking the small steps.
It was coursework that actually forced me to change my ways. Before when something goes wrong last minute, and you don't believe you have enough time to change it, I would sit there and stress about it. In some cases I could be stressing about it in the beginning, when your told the brief and you feel that the project is to big to handle. I had to teach myself how to write down all I need to do, break my list down in to small doable parts. Then you realise that your able to complete all that you need to do. So in terms of the future that is what I plan to do.
One step I'm taking is applying for a sandwich course, which is were I can learn or get work experience abroad. I really feel like going to America or Italy. America because I feel like there is a lot of opportunity and I feel they are more open to new ideas. Italy is the other country because one I can speak Italian (not fluent though) and Italians are know for their interest in design; looking at their history, sculptures, architecture, fashion designers etc. I feel that I can learn new skills and technics. Having this experience will make me more employable in the future and I intend to live in one these countries so living there for a while we let me know if the country is for me, also I can make possible connections. See I'm thinking ahead and taking small steps.
It was coursework that actually forced me to change my ways. Before when something goes wrong last minute, and you don't believe you have enough time to change it, I would sit there and stress about it. In some cases I could be stressing about it in the beginning, when your told the brief and you feel that the project is to big to handle. I had to teach myself how to write down all I need to do, break my list down in to small doable parts. Then you realise that your able to complete all that you need to do. So in terms of the future that is what I plan to do.
One step I'm taking is applying for a sandwich course, which is were I can learn or get work experience abroad. I really feel like going to America or Italy. America because I feel like there is a lot of opportunity and I feel they are more open to new ideas. Italy is the other country because one I can speak Italian (not fluent though) and Italians are know for their interest in design; looking at their history, sculptures, architecture, fashion designers etc. I feel that I can learn new skills and technics. Having this experience will make me more employable in the future and I intend to live in one these countries so living there for a while we let me know if the country is for me, also I can make possible connections. See I'm thinking ahead and taking small steps.
This summer I'm going to try and be productive, aswell enjoy life obviously.
1) Improve my 3D sketching skills, I think I'm good but I want to be excellent. Even the general thought of Graphics Design is that everything is computer based, I want to be able to have an extra strength that I can bring to the table.
2) Experiment more with softwares such as illustrator.
2) I plan to educate myself on the world of Graphics Design, you know the old and new designers, technics and so on. Knowledge is power.
3) I want to see if I can get some work experience within the industry because I feel it would be good to know what it's like to know what it means to be a Graphic Designer.
4) If I don't manage to get work experience see if can I coffer my talents to local organisations, family, friends whoever needs someone like me to but my skills to use. I believe it will still be beneficial.
The path, my path
What path do a I want to take ? You know because Graphic Design is a wide field you can go into anything from moving animations to marketing to typography etc. But like I say I like to keep my mind open I'm not to sure what path I want to take. Where the wind blows goes and my heart takes me. Either way I will make it and work hard to find my individual style.
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