Visual Communications

My first module was Visual Communication. When I got told that every week we will be given a brief which must completed within a week, I was scared. Let me not say I take a long time to design or thing of a concept, but more on the fact that I too much time trying to think of the concept which goes me little time to actually produce it. So this module helped me to be confident in the ideas have. You know have that rough idea first and while your produce it you will explore new ways to improve it rather than trying to think of the perfect finished idea all at once.

This did come through my feedback because my tutor told me that I didn't display a range of ideas, to which I asked you would like to see the ones that don't look good. He said yes what ever comes to your mind draw it because that's how you have a range of material to choose from rather than restricting yourself.

Let's go back for a second

This is were looking at the past comes into play, because I did Product Design for A Level (and Graphic Design for GCSE, that's we met aahaa ), and in Product Design there is a limited amount of pages you can use for your whole year project. I think it was about 25. So that why I didn't spend a lot of time in this module showing my throughout process because in the past my ideas had to be rendered annoyed, drawn in 3D, which gave me little time to really focus on the design process than the actually outcome. That's why I used to spend more time on the getting a finished idea because overall you work quicker and have time to do the other elements. That's also why I feel I should of to BTec instead of A Level because your creativity is really restricted. 

But I do not regret choosing that subject even though I felt behind in the beginning because most people know how to use softwares such as Photoshop, Illustrator and so on. Also just being albe to know what to include in the feedback. But I told myself well to be honest I have something different to offer, I'm really good doing design by hand (I actually prefer it), I have rendering skills materials look realistic (wood and metal being my favourite). Something I've recently learnt that you can design something by hand then use a software to edit it which gives it a different more  authentic feel than doing the typical thing a design something straight of the computer. So I'll keep my Product Design skills in my blood, fingers, eyes look whatever is the right word for it ahaa.

Overall I learnt how to use softwares such as Photoshop and how to record my research and thought process a lot better, which helps to give more room for your creativity to flow.


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