
Enchantment Project

My first project was a box installation piece to which we had to pick between the 2 styles Impersonation and Enchantment. I chose Enchantment because I wanted to challenge myself and take a risk. I wanted my piece to be inspired by nature, so I decided to do an enchanted forest. Another aspect is that I wanted my piece be made out of recyclable materials. I spray painted the outside of the box a rusty brown and sprayed the inside a black/blue colour. In wanting to make a miniature forest, I hot glued twigs attaching green diamond card cut outs, I also glued the card to the ceiling of the box. The glue gun started leaving residue which I was trying to remove before, however it started to look like spider webs which I liked because it added to the enchantment effect. Unlike the rest of my class that took the lid off so that the audience looks in, I decided to be different and seal the lid shut. I wanted there to be only one light source which would pass through the crack like opening I made on the lid, as well as making a pep hole so you can look through.  When the audience looks though the hole, you are transformed into a different world, the purpose in enchantment.

Digital Photo Documentary 

An interesting class I picked was Digital Photo Documentary, and due the documentary part I thought I would learn how to create videos however it was actually like doing photography in a documented style. At first I was annoyed and I started to look at how I could switch my classes because I want to go into the film industry and thought this was how I could learn the basic skills. I stuck with it because I have never had a photography class, even though it is not something I want to go into I can still learn new skills.

My teacher told us that we had only one big project, which was to choose a topic to document. I decided to choose Black Hair, looking at the revival of black women going make to their natural hair and the struggle to accept out natural hair due to having to live up to European standards. The challenge now would be to look for models and decide on the medium I want to use.


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Work Placement: 3 months