
One of my first classes was Installation, which is different to my current course in Coventry being Graphic Design, because we look at how art occupies space and a site. I loved how my teacher taught the class, showing designers from different countries and ethnicities not just limiting it to American designers. This has a big influence on you as a student because you are not limited to just a specific style, to which you can be more creative.


Rapprochement is my favourite Installation style; it focus on the physical and sensory experience, rather than other styles just focus on the visual aspect. What I like is the simplicity of the materials used such as light that can be used to create something complex such a spiritual experience.

This taught me to look into how elements such as light and space give off a certain response from the audience. My favourite Rapprochement artist James Turrell, experimented with light playing tricks on your brain to process the art. With just a beam of light Turrell would produce a 3D object which in fact still looks 2D. Turrell had a piece called Ganzfelds (whole field in German), where light would fill the whole room; in him doing this you can not comprehend the depth of your surrounding creating a spiritual experience. The 2 main things I learnt is that simplicity is powerful as well as produce a complex emotion. I will apply this to my work by looking at what elements for instance colour would create a specific reaction, rather than trying to force them to have a specific reaction. Looking more in depth about the human response.



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Work Placement: 3 months